
Square Enix Plans Ad-hoc Party for Dissidia Final Fantasy

November 19, 2008 - Dissidia Final Fantasy is featured once again in the latest Famitsu. This time, the magazine has a look at probably the two biggest characters in the Game, along with a recap of the game's board-based story mode and multiplayer options.

Those two biggest characters are, of course, Final Fantasy VII's Cloud and Sephiroth. The two were previously confirmed for inclusion and have been featured in past trailers.

In the Famitsu report, battle supervisor Mitsunori Takahashi tells the magazine that the concept behind Cloud was "Smash & Blow." The FFVII hero has numerous moves which launch his opponent up into the air. He learns new skills with good balance, and is capable of using a slightly arranged version of the final skill that appeared in Advent Children. In EX Mode, he makes use of Ultima Weapon and can send enemies flying full across the map.

Sephiroth's concept was "Blade Master," said Takahashi. The FFVII villain has a sword so fast that it can't be spotted -- well, except for the damage that it leaves behind! Takahashi explained that it's possible to delay the timing of your attacks during combos in order to deal more damage. During EX mode, Sephiroth can both fly and use "that" skill.

Moving on to the game's story mode, it was revealed long ago that this mode of play takes place on a checkered board, with pieces representing your characters and your rivals. Depending on your character, you encounter rivals in different orders. Encounters include event sequences, with characters exchanging dialogue that should be a big draw for any Final Fantasy fan.

For those who prefer multiplayer, the game's ad-hoc wireless mode appears to have all the robustness you'd want of a multiplayer title. Players begin multiplayer sessions by creating and trading friend cards, digital ID cards that have your name, a quote, stats, and an avatar. Players can store at most 50 friend cards, so you'll probably want to chose your friends wisely.

Prior to battle, you find yourself in a lobby that can house up to 16 players. Once in this space, your friend card is automatically exchanged with others. To head out to battle, you select a character and costume, then select from the various rules, and finally select a stage for the fight (screenshots in the magazine suggest the presence of at least 25 maps).

Outside of ad-hoc based competition, the game also supports "surechigai," a form of wireless communication where your psp games beams out and receives signals while in sleep mode. For Dissidia, your friend card automatically jumps between players, bringing over ghost data that you can face off against in the form of an AI-controlled opponent.

If all this talk of ad-hoc has you down, we've got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that it looks like Dissidia won't be supporting infrastructure mode. The good news is that Square Enix confirmed with Famitsu that it's planning on adding Ad-Hoc Party support in the future, meaning psp games owners who also known a PS3 will be able to play with long distance opponents.

Dissidia Final Fantasy hits the Japanese psp games on December 18.


